Comprehensive maintenance of S8 Express Way, Piotrków Trybunalski border of łódzkie/mazowieckie voivodeship section

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Discipline: Operations & Maintenance
Sector: Public Infrastructure (Motorways)
Client: State Treasury of Poland represented by GDDKiA, Łódź branch office
Start: 2018
Duration: 6 years (2018-2024)
Status: ongoing
Technical details:

  • 84 km of dual carriageway expressway, cement concrete pavement;
  • 19 interchanges,
  • 1 OMC center;




Main activities

Comprehensive maintenance, which includes:

  • 24h/day Road patrolling and reporting to the Client
  • on-call interventions on the road
  • 24h/day dispatchers service
  • Comprehensive winter maintenance activities (snow removal, de-icing, etc.)
  • Comprehensive summer maintenance activities, including:
    • Grass mowing, Trimming of the trees and bushes
    • Cleaning of bridges
    • Cleaning of the stormwater drain installations – pipes, culverts, ditches, ecological basins, etc.
    • Cleaning of the horizontal traffic signs on the road,
    • Wet and dry cleaning of the barriers, road signs, etc.
    • Garbage removal
  • Repair of pavement damages
  • Crack sealing and concrete pavement structure expansion joint replacement
  • Renewal of approx. 600 000 m2 horizontal marking
  • Replacement or repair of the damaged motorway furniture – road signs, barriers, acoustic screens, fence road lighting

Contact  us

Intertoll Construction

Gdańsk Office (Intertoll
BCB Business Park B1
ul. Azymutalna 9
80-298  Gdańsk, Poland

Phone: +48 58 888 22 17
E-mail: przetargi@intertoll-



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