Manual Toll Collection & Equipment Maintenance Services of A2 Motorway, section Konin – Stryków

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Discipline: Manual Toll Collection;
Sector: Public, Infrastructure;
Client: State Treasury of Poland represented by General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD) and since 2020 by Ministry of Finance - National Tax Administration (KAS).
Duration: 37 months (Nov 2018-Nov 2021).
Status: Completed
 Technical details:

  • 92 km of dual carriageway motorway;
  • 2 Main Lane Plazas
  • 6 Ramp Toll Stations

Main activities:

Manual Toll Collection Services and Manual Toll Collection Equipment Maintenance services

  • Takeover toll collection system providing that tolling process is not disturbed;
  • Manual Toll Collection Services for light vehicles on 90 km section of A2 Motorway, 6 Ramp Toll Stations and 2 Main Lane Plazas - 36 exit and 21 entry lanes;
  • Operation and maintenance of existing Manual Toll Collection System and equipment;
  • Maintenance and operation of supporting facilities, such as buildings and power generators (8), canopies, technical tunnels, toll booths, etc.;


Contact  us

Intertoll Construction

Gdańsk Office (Intertoll
BCB Business Park B1
ul. Azymutalna 9
80-298  Gdańsk, Poland

Phone: +48 58 888 22 17
E-mail: przetargi@intertoll-



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